Wexford Drama Group presents "The Unkillable Irishman" Written by Jack Matthews Directed by Linda Hynes Co-Directed by Jack Matthews Michael Malloy of Donegal arrived to New York in the Roaring Twenties with an empty pocket and a heart full of dreams, but a nightmare awaited. The Wall Street Crash plunged America into the Great Depression, Mike into homeless unemployment and worst of all, Prohibition had closed all the pubs. Speakeasy owner Tony Marino and his mob of gangsters took out a life insurance policy and saw the homeless, vulnerable, thirsty, Malloy as an easy target to make a quick buck. There was just one flaw in their plan: it appeared this Irishman could not be killed? Told by four actors, this is the fictional retelling of the true story of Michael Malloy, the man whose resilience/stubbornness gave rise to the New York legend of "The Unkillable Irishman". Starring Michael McKenny, Pat Sinnott, Mick Farrel and Sophie Blaney Parslow.