My Place
Exhibition of Children’s Work
20th June – 13th July 2013
Celebration Event: Saturday 29th June at 12pm
Awards presented by artist Oonagh Latchford
The great Pablo Picasso once said ‘every child is an artist’ and Wexford Arts Centre is out to prove it with an exhibition entirely dedicated to the artwork of local children.
Children are masters of experiential learning and art fosters this process. Throughout the year Wexford Arts Centre runs a number of children’s workshops devoted to the encouragement of learning through art, and more recently, through art and science as we have teamed up with founder of Scientastic, Michelle Maher. Research confirms that arts education strengthens the child’s ability to problem solve and enhances critical reasoning skills with emphasis placed on using imagination and creative thinking to formulate and hone ideas. All of which are essential skills not only in the arts but also integral for successful STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education. Learning through the arts can also act as a crucial motivational tool for children who are not naturally inclined to more academic modes of teaching. Above all else however, children are naturally less inhibited when making artwork and it is this inherent ability to make instinctive and sure creative decisions that result in the formation of some of the most exciting and inspiring works.
In order to celebrate this talent and provide opportunity for the local community to engage with exceptional artworks not usually exhibited in a formal setting, we are delighted to host My Place, a show solely comprised of work by local children. Children of all ages and stages of development responded and visually conveyed what their home environment means to them, where is it that they like to be the most, and where they feel most at home. Masterpieces were created on boards using crayon, paint, watercolour, collage, pastels, pencils, mixed-media and works will be on view until Saturday 13th July. We would like to thank all the budding artists for their exceptional works, full of colour and vibrancy!
In addition to the open submissions received, the exhibition features some of the fantastic pieces created during some of the Wexford Art’s Centre’s Discovery Club, Saturday Art Club and various other camps and workshops over the year so the show truly showcases all the young artistic talent we have in the county.
Plus, during the children’s exhibition and for the summer months, the upper gallery has transformed into a functioning art studio! This Doodle Studio will has a range of materials available to budding artists of all ages and all are welcome to pop in and have some creative fun. There is even be a poetry tree where young writers are invited to festoon the branches with leaves made up of their own compositions!

29 June – 1 September 2013
Newtownbarry House, Bunclody, Co. Wexford
Opening: Saturday 29 June, 6-9pm
An exhibition originally conceived as a summer type show but now expanded to lift the medium of drawing into its more rightful place — that is on equal footing with painting.
For this exhibition artists from four countries have been selected who are working in both mediums with ease. An additional exhibit by Andrew Kenny in the original kitchen downstairs (lately used as a studio only) will deal with our occasional experiences with more paranormal and inexplicable phenomena.
All through the run of these two shows a small representation of individual artists who make their home in Bunclody, or were born and raised here, will also be featured.
Among the artists shown in the upstairs galleries are:
Stephen Lack (USA), Joseph McGill (IRL), Jacob Maendel (USA), Clody Norton (IRL), Bernadette Kiely (IRL), Oisin Byrne (IRL), Claudia Schwalb’s “Wunderkammer” (USA), Colin Thomson (USA), John Moore (IRL), Michael Burges (D), John Renwick (IRL), Robert Beard (USA), Maria Levinge (IRL), Lindsay Walt (USA), Claire Lambe (IRL/USA), Hanneke van Ryswyk (Wales), Gerda Teljeur (NL), Oliver Russman (D), Paul Mosse (IRL), Cormac Boydell (IRL), Tim Goulding (IRL), Donald Teskey (IRL), Mick O’Dea (IRL), David Begley (IRL), and Harry Durdin-Robertson (IRL), plus a special installation by Andrew Kenny (IRL).
The gallery will be open at the same opening hours as Newtownbarry House,Gardens and Tearooms.
This exhibition is presented with the co-operation of Wexford Arts Centre and Anya von Gosseln who also organized and selected it.
Click Newtownbarry House for full info.