The Wexford Arts Centre Presents;
Come in, we are Awesome!
In association with the Collective Sensory Group and Bluebird Care
Thursday 20th September – 13th October 2018
at D’lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre

You are warmly invited to the opening reception on Thursday 20th September at 6.30 pm.
featuring guest speakers;
Shona King from The Collective Sensory Group and Michael Corcoran from Bluebird Care.
Wexford Arts Centre, in association with the Collective Sensory Group and Bluebird Care are delighted to
present Come in we are Awesome!, an exhibition of children’s artwork from 20th September at D’lush
Cafeé, Wexford Arts Centre.
The Collective Sensory Group, Bluebird Care and Wexford Art Centre combined their expertise to provide
art workshops for young people with additional needs, who may otherwise not have the opportunity to
experience the positive and encouraging impact of art. This workshop also sought to promote inclusion
and awareness within our community, proving that behind every disability there is a huge amount of
talent and ability that comes in many different forms.

This year our Artist brought some imaginative and creative ideas to the table that focused on ‘Feelings’.
We all have different feelings and accepting this about ourselves is a huge step. Appreciating that
feeling’s we don’t like are equally as important as feelings we do like. This is what makes us individuals.
Within our workshops each participant had individual goals, each of these goals were incorporated into
activities by our artists Tina Fortune and Deirdre Buggy. The workshops allowed for each participant to
have one to one guidance, tuition and support. The activities also focused on processes and materials,
allowing the children the freedom to choose from array of materials and methods of application. The
workshops were a phenomenal success as evidenced in the exhibition, with all our participants achieving
above and beyond any goals and aspirations that were set in the beginning.
Tina Fortune is an artist living and working in Wexford. Working mainly in acrylics, her practice includes
drawings, paintings and murals. Her practice is strengthened by her four children; one who is on the
Autism spectrum. Tina works extensively with children with special-needs and has created inspiring work
on sensory rooms for children at the Collective Sensory Group and St. John of God National School. She
has also worked with the Presentation Secondary School, Wexford, on multiple commissions, and has
been involved in various exhibitions of her own work.
Deirdre Buggy is a recent graduate from Wexford school of Art and Design. Deirdre work in the medium
of sculpture, film and performance art. Her work explores identity through her own personal challenges
and experience.
The Collective Sensory Group is a non-profit, voluntary led group based in Wexford town providing
Occupational Therapy, and Speech and Language Therapy to their clients. The group also provides
recreational activities and workshops on a regular basis for young people, while also supporting and
working with parents. Renowned for their community integration work, high standards of care, and
positive clinical feedback, they are a non-funded organisation and rely solely on fundraising and
donations so they can continue to subsidise their services.
Bluebird Care, which provides care and support in the home and community, seeks to meet the physical,
intellectual and emotional needs of their clients and families while providing supportive and practical
services in a dedicated, highly professional and dignified manner. Known for forging personal connections
with their customers, Bluebird provides their services in a positive atmosphere, with their approach,
drawing on a support plan, identifying the goals and aspirations of the individual.
For more information please contact the acting visual arts manager at the Wexford Arts Centre, Lisa Byrne at or phone 0539123764