111 x 111
A solo exhibition of drawings by Andrew Kenny
Friday 20th October – Saturday 11th November 2017
at D’lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre
Wexford Arts Centre is delighted to present 111 x 111, an exhibition of drawings by Wexford artist Andrew Kenny from Friday 20th October to Saturday 11th November at D’lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre.
The exhibition explores the curious ideas and anomalous experiments of the Society for Research in Rapport and Telekinesis (SORRAT). This group researched aspects of paranormal phenomena, ranging from the teleportation of objects, psycho kinesis, telekinesis, and the idea of rapport. The latter relates to a form of nonphysical energy that creates lines of influence between the interactions of a group and objects in the environment. Within these drawings, the delicate pen lines which suggest interlocking hair, wood grain and floorboards, can be closely related to the tangible world in which we exist. In contrast, the use of negative space draws attention to gesture, interconnection and, the real subject of this body of work, the unseen and metaphysical.

Through 111 x 111, Kenny strengthens his ongoing interest in the paranormal and the unknown, reimagining the world as we know it and considering what may lie beyond. This exhibition develops upon themes Kenny has explored in previous bodies of work, including the idea of thoughtography and specifically the thoughtographer, Ted Serios. It also incorporates the ideas of Charles Fort, an early 20th century writer, philosopher and humorist who explored an area slightly outside our reality, either forgotten or more possibly shunned from science. From Fort’s writings of objects falling from the sky; such as fish, frogs, worms and coloured rains, to his idea of a vast sea floating high above the earth from where objects would fall was called the Super Sargasso Sea; Kenny examines inter-dimensionality and time outside of our time. It considers anomalies and the ghostly elements of our world, inviting us to consider a mysterious and alternate vision of our reality.
Andrew Kenny is a multi-disciplinary artist who works with sculptural installation, painting and drawing. He studied in the Gorey School of Art and the Wexford Campus School of Art (IT Carlow) where he graduated in 2008 with a BA (Hons) in Art. In recent years, he has worked as Director/Curator of Studio Nine; an artist run studio, gallery space and workshop in Wexford Town.
111 x 111 will run in D’Lush Cafe, Wexford Arts Centre from Thursday 20th October to Saturday 11th November 2016. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 10am-5pm, and Saturday from 10am-4pm. For further information on the artist or exhibition please contact Catherine Bowe, Visual Arts Manager on +353 (0)53 9123764 or email catherine@wexfordartscentre.ie.